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Cellular System
Handover & Handoff
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    Handover (Hand off)



    In GSM Handoff is known as Handover.

    Handover is a sophisticated switching technique ,enables a call to proceed uninterrupted when the user moves from one cell to another.


    Types of Hand off:

    1. Intra BSC Handover

    2. Intra MSC Handover

    3. Inter MSC Handover





    Figure of different Handover techniques



    Intra BSC Handover: When a mobile or Mobile Station (MS) moves from one cell to another in same BSC , known as Intra BSC Handover .

    Example : Here when mobile is moving from cell 1 to cell 2 as shown in figure . here you can see that the two BTS are in the same BSC indicating by A so here Intra BSC Handover is taking Place.


    Intra MSC Handover: When a mobile or Mobile Station (MS) moves from one cell to another in same MSC , known as Intra MSC Handover .

    Example : Here when mobile is moving from cell 2 to cell 3 as shown in figure . here you can see that the two BTS are under the different BSC's but in the same MSC indicating by B so here Intra MSC Handover is taking Place.


    Inter MSC Handover: When a mobile or Mobile Station (MS) moves from one cell to another in different MSC which are connected together, known as Inter MSC Handover .

    Example : Here when mobile is moving from cell 3 to cell 4 as shown in figure . here you can see that the two BTS are under the different BSC's and these BSC's are in the Different MSC's which are connected together indicating by C so here Inter MSC Handover is taking Place.






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